Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands

I'm reading this book titled Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, by Paul David Tripp. Chapter 4 deals with the heart, and how your actions follow directly from your heart. What you're worshiping in your heart (either God or some idol) dictates your actions and the motivations behind those actions.

It has me thinking about worship and tastes in music. If we "like" the music in worship, does it mean we have a heart that's after the same things God is after? If we attempt to introduce into worship the kind of music that we like, rather than traditional worship music, does that mean we're pushing our own idols into God's house? Or does it mean that we're simply using our (for lack of a better word) natural inclinations (a.k.a. tastes) to praise God?